well it wasn't when i looked at the clock and thought of all that had gone on so far this morning....
let's see. i went to bed after 1 am.
was woken up at 415 to the alarm for jason.
shut it off.
without waking him up.
but that's okay.
he's learned that i do this when i'm really tired....
so he had his phone set too.
so both phones were going off at 4 am....
somehow i managed to be wide awake and then wide asleep in about 10 minutes....
i went back to sleep and was gently reminded that i have a 9 month old son who doesn't like to sleep very much (although he's been doing pretty well lately).... he didn't wake up nicely this morning.
he woke up SCREAMING!
just like he went to bed..... SCREAMING!!!!
but this isn't anything out of the norm, so if something is really wrong with him, it's likely i won't know the difference.... i do a visual inspection.
everything looks fine.
mental note: he hadn't pooped yesterday. (probably the problem)....
today is wednesday.
this entire week is teacher appreciation week.
entire week....
monday was flower day.
tuesday was bring some kind of snack or goodie (would have been bring a school supply for the teacher, BUT, she is retiring so it was snack day)....
wednesday, today, is handmade card/poem day. (i reminded taylor of this last night, and did not follow up to see if she had done this or not.... is that my fault? oops. i give the girl a lot of responsibility)
tomorrow, they are presenting her with some plant and they are putting a bunch of gift cards all over it.... gift cards are due today....
wellllll, i didn't have a gift card, so we had to leave early to stop at starbucks and get a gift card....
so i go out to the truck to load Lewie, (who is still crying by the way), taylor's crying that she didn't make her lunch. she forgot about it. so i'm throwing (literally THROWING) her lunch together....
she's crying.... lewie's screaming....
go BACK out to the truck. load lewie. (yep! still screaming..... not crying.... SCREAMING!)
taylor gets in the truck and says, "OH NOOOOO!" and starts crying too...
she apparently forgot her jacket.
"you'll be fine," i tell her....
and then i realize that the 7000 lb tv that took my mom and stepdad to load ONTO my truck yesterday is STILL in the back of my truck. i was NOT about to drive 3 and a half miles an hour to make sure it didn't tip. i already did that coming home from my mom's yesterday.... and a 4.2 mile drive that should have taken 4.2. minutes was more like 24 minutes (or 15, but it felt much longer than 15 minutes).....
crap!!! i GOTTA get that stupid TV out of the back of the truck....
how in the HELL am i going to move that thing by myself?
"whatever, I CAN DO THIS!!!" i say to myself.... kinda like pumping myself up as if i'm about to enter a boxing ring.... i MAY have even bounced back and forth like i was about to fight.... but i'm pretty sure i didn't.....
so i loosen the strap to remove the tv and slide the freaking HUGE tv across the bed of my truck.... and try to figure out how the HELL i'm going to lift this thing...
i reposition the tv a few times and do a test-lift.... you know, the ones like, "lemme see how heavy this is."
yeah.... that freakin beast was heavy!!!! i seriously thought about just sliding it back and strapping it back in, but then that would mean i would have to drive 3 miles per hour, and we were in a hurry....
wasn't happening.... then i thought about just dropping it in the driveway.
yes, DROPPING it.
not caring if it broke or not....
but we've come too far with that tv to just drop it.... and it was only 7 am at this point. i'm pretty sure someone would have called 911 if they heard this thing drop...
whatever, i slid the tv down my pants and onto my toe. yes ONTO my toe.
no, not on purpose.
i YELLED a curse word. (or 7)
and then moved the left side of the tv and then the right..
the left side
and then the right....
i'm pretty sure i severed half of the cord while moving it...
lewie's still screaming.
taylor's sniffling.
i'm sniffling.
not even gonna lie.
my toe, and legs hurt from that TV!!!
and then i get in the car,
INSTANT headache! bleh!
it's gotta be his poop, or lack thereof, that's causing this mess!!!
i go to the closest starbucks for the gift card, and really don't have time to order the drink, so i just get the g.c. and head to drop taylor off ....
she gets out of the car and i realize that her hair is TOTALLY sticking up in the back.
i roll down the window to tell her, but decide against it.
why make her self conscious....
"have a good day babe," i yell out the window....
"thanks mama, you too," she says back to me... and i watch her (and her hair) bounce away...
and seriously....
instantly burst into tears.
for whatever reason (and no i'm not pms-ing)....
i WAS going to go to starbucks, but lewie was still screaming.... and now i was crying.
and starbucks was just not going to happen....
so i went home....
and grabbed a diaper because if he hadn't already pooped,
he was definitely trying....
and i could smell it.
there's something about the smell of kid's poop, once they start eating table foods....
it smells like adult poop.... on a table or something.
kinda just jumps up and hits you in the face, you know?
soooo then, i go to change his diaper....
open his diaper up and it was like a snake was trying to escape his body.... only it came out in the form of poop.... and onto the floor, AND he peed up on me too.
on my jeans.
on my chin.
on my shirt....
yes. poop and pee.... everywhere.
i looked at the clock....
it's not even freakin 8 o clock (am)!!!!!