Friday, March 26, 2010

hi i'm ashley. 26 going on 94.

totally unlike me to not post for like 2 days.... right?
well, let me just give you a little background on me.
i'm not the healthiest person in the world.
in fact, there have been more medical issues in the short time of our marriage, than my husband has probably had in his entire life....
what a pain in the butt right?
yeah, i know....

so every month or 2, my eyes go through this routine, where they kinda burn,
they turn really red (and people probably think i'm loaded. i get a boatload of comments and questions, like, "OMG! what's wrong with your eyes?? are you OKAY?!")
"yeah i'm good, thanks."

for the first few days of redness, they don't hurt really bad... but then comes the day when i canNOT put my contacts in, and so i wear my glasses (which are like super ultra thick).... they make my eyes look really REALLY tiny and i feel incredibly unattractive.... BUT besides all that, i'm legally blind, so the peripheral vision sucks!! i can't see anything.... so if i DRIVE in my glasses, it would probably be equivalent to YOU driving under the influence.... (here is one of the very few times you'll EVER catch me in my glasses and that's ONLY because on Christmas day, my eyes were totally doing that "hey i'm totally stoned and allergic to light" thing) (and no, i don't do drugs and no, i'm not photophobic)

sexy, right?
so yesterday i wake up, can't see anything.... can't open my eyes, they are SUPER light sensitive. i'm squinting. my right eye's a lot worse than the left.... i finally cave in and say, that's it, i don't care how much it costs, this is ridiculous (mind you, i've already let my optometrist know about this, and she said that i had "compromised corneas" but there really wasn't much we could do...) whatever. im calling a different eye dr. and i did. and i went.... how did i drive there you ask? well when i hit the bumps in the road on the left, i'd steer right.... when i'd hit the bumps on the right, i'd steer left. i'm incredibly surprised that i didn't get pulled over.... i mean what would i tell the police officer who pulled me over? i'm pretty sure he'd think i was insane!
i had my SUPER thick glasses on, and then my big sunglasses over them, so my sunglasses looked like they were sticking about 2 inches off of my face. i had a hooded sweatshirt on and it was like 75 degrees outside.... i had the hood on so that i could pull it tight and tie it to keep the rest of the sun from sneaking in on the sides of my glasses.... and then if i had to take my glasses off and he saw my crazy red eyes? oh yeah, i'm pretty sure i'd be like all sprawled out on a police car being spiked and handcuffed in no time....

anyway, i managed to somehow avoid police officers and make it to the eye dr right up the street.
i tell him, "hey dr. i am SUPER sensitive to light and my eyes hurt."
so he NUMBS my eyeballs with some numbing drops....
then puts some medicine drops in them and THEN
of course my eyes closed!!!! so he had to like HOLD THEM OPEN and he's looking at my eyes saying "oooooohhhh... ooooooo. well no wonder!!!"
and i'm thinking, "WHAT?! WHAT?! WHAT WHAT WHAT?!"
he says, "corneal ulcers.... "
fantastic. it just sounds lovely right?
that was my right eye (the really red one)
then he looks at my left eye and says, "that ones not as red, but it's not far behind the right. there is the start of the corneal ulcers on that eye too...."

corneal ulcers.... that just SOUNDS like something an old person would have....
so i get these (super expensive) drops and i have to put them in my eye once an hour.
whatever keeps my eyes right?
anyway.... so that's why i couldn't blog for 2 days.
i couldn't stand looking at the computer screen (and all its lightness and brightness)

so i wake up this morning with high hopes that everything is going to be MUCH better today and i can't move....
my neck is like bolted in place.
i can't turn my head.
is this what i get for asking my husband to massage my shoulders last night?

so, i still have to take my little pumpkinhead (Taylor) to school today... well i can't move my neck.... like NOT AT ALL!!!
so very stiffly, i go to get into my truck this morning and since i couldn't move my neck, to duck my head, BAAAMM! i freakin knocked myself SO hard in the head trying to get in... i mumbled under my breath and somehow used my ninja moves to get me in the truck....
driving her to school... can't look over my shoulders to change lanes, so i just hope and pray that in the last 2 seconds of me passing that last car, that no one else jumped in front of them because.... "here i goooooo... im merrrrrging... merrrrging over.... hiiiii, chaaaanging lanes here!!!!"

made it home safely. phewf! (totally didn't stop at starbucks either, that would have been like another 4 mile drive, which probably would have been the 4 miles that landed me in jail....) so i just came home.

and realized, MAN if this is how i feel at 26, i do NOT want to get older... i already feel like i'm 94....
at this rate, i'll likely be in a nursing home by the time i'm 29....


Alle said...

I think as a mother and anyone really we all get run down sometimes no matter what our age is, I feel run down some days too.

I am not much older I think it just happens to the best of us, I'm glad everything is ok though. I haven't been following long but I have long enough to know that your absence wasn't normal.

I hope you get to feeling better =)

Ally said...

Hope you're feeling better soon. Take it slow and steady. I can't imagine having painful eye issues. :(

Tales Of A Fourth Grade Nothing

Ashley King said...

how sweet! my's posted already!! =)

@ alle with an "e".... i am TOTALLY run down this week... so much so, that the hubby has actually been getting up with our little man at night, and that's pretty much unheard of! haha! i have just been SO tired, so much so that i was beginning to wonder if my iron was on track or if that was low.... anyway, taking vitamins and going back to eye dr today for a follow up to those nasty eyes from yesterday.
thank you for the well wishes!!! much appreciated! very much so! =)

@ ally with a "y". i'm not a slow and steady kind of gal. i'm all over the place. =) i think there's some improvement from yesterday, but still light sensitive, just not as bad. which is GOOD. and not bad. yeah, i've always been blind, but blind AND hurting is a no bueno combination. i'll be rockin again in no time! =) thanks for the well wishes ladies! very much appreciated.

Pat Tillett said...

hooded sweatshirt on a hot day?

Sounds like the unabomber...

Andrea said...

POOR BABY!! I'm so sorry! I can identify with the eye issue to a degree. I knew my eyesight was bad - but when I asked the dr - he said, "Well, let's just say I wouldn't want to ride anywhere with you w/out your glass on you!!!!" So yes, I too am legally blind w/out glasses and YES IT STINKS! I hate having to wear my glasses so I wear contacts until like 2 seconds before I leap into bed. I'm so sorry that you are having those problems. My knees & other joints are my prob. When I bend down & come back up - it's like a firecracker! Well, let's just agree to try and grow old gracefully. Have a lovely, pain free weekend!!! And try a heating pad & maybe some cold packs for the eyes - then wouldn't you be a sight!

Buy me a Barbie Doll said...

I'm sorry it hasn't made a substantial improvement from yesterday. Glad it's a little better though....I'm trying to grow old gracefully, but since retiring, everything aches and hurts!!! I guess I'm not moving around as much as I did when I was working. Maybe going back to work is the solution!!!

Ashley King said...

@Pat.... i was TOTALLY unibomber status....

@Andrea... AWWWW!!!!!! i totally feel your pain.... i somehow managed to find the humor in it, and really wished someone was able to videotape me, cuz i'm sure i looked SO incredibly pathetic!!! I'm sure you already take supplements and stuff like that for the joints, but my husband swore by something called "movefree." he was a catcher (baseball) for MANY of years and his knees are SO bad.... none of the regular glucosamine stuff worked, but he said this stuff does! it's worth a shot (i got it at costco for him and i think they even have coupons for it right now).... i hope you are feeling better soon!!!! i really do!!!! and yes, i'll HAVE to have my husband take a picture of me with ice and heat and glasses and sunglasses and hooded sweatshirts on!!!! that would be hilarious!!!

@buymebarbies. i agree that going back to work will eventually do the trick, i'm sure, but i want to LOVE my job and be ready to go back. =) sooooo, nursing here i come! =)

Ms. A said...

Awww Ashley, if you try real hard, you could end up like me in no time. (course, you've still got years to practice, but that's about the age I started) Have you tried a chiro? Won't help the eyes, but does wonders for the body. I doubt you could find one that would hang out with you, to keep you from knocking your head off though. You'll have to duck, or wear a crash helmet.

TS Hendrik said...

That really sucks. I thought my eyes were bad, but they're nothing compared to what you've got going on. Thank goodness no police were around when you were driving.

sarahjayne smythe said...

That sounds really terrible. I'm glad you got someone to figure out what was wrong with your eyes though, and got some relief. Now for your neck. :)

Ashley King said...

@Ms. Anthropy. HA! you had me laughing out loud! thanks for that! i totally pictured myself with a helmet and like elbow pads and mouthpiece or something. i'm not quite sure what the elbow pads would be for, but they'd just complete the outfit!!!

@TS. bad eyes are just all around NO GOOD!!!! i always think about what if i go blind or something.... how horrible it would be!!! i wouldn't let me husband move us, because i know my way around this house pretty well.... i think i'd miss seeing my children's faces the most.... what do you think would be the hardest thing to miss not seeing if you lost your eyesight? it's just another one of those things we take for granted, you know? i often stop and stare at my husband's face.... and his laugh lines and dimples.... and his beautiful eyes.... those are things i don't ever want to forget!!!!

@sarahjayne smythe. i'm glad i have some great doctors looking after me too!!! anyone in the OC area needing a good eye dr, i found one, well two actually, for ya!!! they are GREAT!!!! i think i'll alternate the heating pad from my face to my neck.... that ought to be a sight! ha!

Ashley King said...

@EVERYONE.... so i didn't think many people were going to comment on this post, as i was just mentioning why i was out of service for a few days.... thanks guys!!! i went back to the dr today, who said my eyes are still very "angry." i asked her (it was a she dr today), "did they TELL you they're angry?" she said, "no, but i can just tell they are...." it was kinda funny, but i guess you had to be there.... she asked me to read some letters up on the wall, and she had to make them like as big as they could possibly get. THAT was kind of funny too.... so now, i have an antibiotic drop, an anti-inflammatory/steroid drop and some moisturizing drops and have to go back tomorrow. hopefully my eyes won't be as "angry" tomorrow. i really ought to get jason to take a picture of me.... it's just not as fun when no one else is here to make fun of me. =)

Ms. A said...

A DOCTOR on SATURDAY!? I'm impressed.

Ashley King said...

yeah! me too!!!! 830 am!!! i'm telling you.... anyone need a fantastic dr in the OC area, i got em for ya!!! i wonder if they have "sports eyewear"... i can act like i need it for sports but just wear it for normal everyday stuff, like driving.... that'd be marvelous!

Andrea said...

Bless you, my child. I am glad you got to see someone, but I hope those eyes will work on having a better temperment! They really need to give you a break. Hope you feel better soon, Sweet!

Anonymous said...

I hope things improve for your eyes! I can't imagine how frustrating that would be. :(

It's sad, but I kind of know what you mean about being an old lady ahead of your time. I have pain in my hands that ranges from a dull throb to severe pain, but I've been told there's nothing wrong with me. It makes it really hard for me to crochet or do anything else that I like.

California Keys said...

Ulcers in your eyes! That sounds super painful! I hope the drops help!