so recently i've received 2 awards, and NOW i am here to give thanks and pass them along. =)
i'm sincerely flattered for them and appreciate the heck out of them!
First things first.... I'd received my 2nd award from Pat this weekend, and was beginning to think he was my only fan. ha! (which would still be flattering, becuase he's a phenomenal writer for sure) no, i'm not one to base my "success" on my awards.... i just like to hope that someone can and will be inspired by some of the stories i share and MAYBE they'll think or treat their loved ones a tad bit differently (and more lovingly and appreciative).... and if that happens, then this blog is far more successful than receiving any awards, HOWEVER, i accept (and with GREAT appreciation) the "Prolific Blogger Award" (most of you already know who Pat is, as most of you came over from his anyway. ha! but thanks for being here! i'm happy you are!)

These things require lots of work (and work requires time) and i have a migraine, and my eyes are burning.... i'm going to excuse myself from the computer for a while (but with GREAT APPRECIATION still!!!!) and i WILL get on here and put in the work to pass this lovely award along.... please hang tight and hope this migraine goes away.
Thank you again, Pat, for being my biggest fan (i think?) You have given me 66% of my awards. =) thank you tons!
Grats again I know I enjoy your stories and feel you deserve them =)
Good luck with the migraine. Coffee helps, sometimes. (so does throwing up, but I do everything I can to avoid that) Congrats on the award!
You deserve everything you get!! Just keep up the writing!!!
thank you, thank you and thank you!
half a dose of imitrex usually does the trick when it gets really bad. that and my starbucks... and yes, throwing up usually does help too, but i try EVERYTHING in my power NOT to go there.... i HATE throwing up. YUCK YUCK YUCK! day 2: migraine. bleh! it really takes away from your entire day.... it's completely hormonal, i know that, but don't know what i can do to change it.... maybe trade heads with someone.... that might work....
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