so today.... not only am i lacking vision (literally), i am lacking my brain as well....
this is one of those moments that you contemplate back and forth about telling your husband....
if i tell him, will he freak out?
oh well, i'm all about honesty. and well, my husband just doesn't FREAK OUT, so i decided i'd better share with him a very shameful, bad mommy moment today!
i went to the eye doctor for my follow up from yesterday, total unibomber style again (sunglasses over my eyeglasses and hoody on again) got to keep out as much light as possible (on a side note, have any of you guys seen benchwarmers? remember Howie?? "they're going around killing everyone named howie! that's me!!! that's my name!!!" ah! okay, totally not funny for those of you who haven't seen it).... anyway. i felt like those asian women who drive with the duckbilled hats and shoulder-length, white gloves with their facemasks on, because they're quite certain the sun is attacking their skin or something like that.... (i can totally say that, i'm 25% asian)....
(that's not me by the way)
so i get to the dr.
they said my eyes are still ANGRY and that i needed to put 2 more different types of drops along with my antibiotic drops, so now i'm putting 3 different drops in every 2 hours. it's just weird and hopefully my angry eyes go away soon. so after the visit, i'm feeding Lewie his bottle in the backseat.... he's not strapped in as i had planned on burping him after he ate.... however, he managed to let out a monstrous burp after he'd downed about 3 quarters of his bottle, and he didn't seem interested in eating anymore.... i don't know what distracted me and made me think it was okay to now get into the driver's seat and drive off, but i did....
so i'm driving (thru taco bell and heading to my parent's house to deliver their fresco crunchy tacos).
i make this sharp right turn onto a busy 3 lane street, when i hear this "thump" and a little whining coming from directly behind me.
"hmm. that's funny, because lewie's carseat is in the middle seat.... wait WHAT?!"
so with my super stiff neck, i try turning around to look over my left shoulder, and the only thing i could see was lewie's face up against the door and the backseat.... his stomach was facing the back and his legs were still caught up on the carseat!!!
i seriously cut over three lanes, honking and flashing my brights (i have NO idea what that was going to do to anyone) but that's just what my instincts made me do....
i pulled over on the side of the road and jumped out.
cars are flying past me on the busy street. the speed limit's 50, so they're likely going 60 to 65 mph.
i opened the door but had to put my hand there just in case his FACE decided to jump out of the car. oh my hell! i felt horrible!!!! he was totally not even crying, in fact he smiled when i opened the door, but i felt HORRIBLE!!!!!! HORRRRRIBLE!!!!
WHO DOES THAT?! who forgets to strap their kids in to their carseat???!!! apparently ME!
so not only am i losing my vision and my neck mobility, but i am losing my freakin mind as well!!!! so forget 26 going on 94. i'm like 26 going on death!
oh and ms. anthropy, i am totally thinking of some headgear, maybe like this.... what do ya think?

I think the visor thingy you're wearing in that picture is pretty chic. Kind of makes you look like a bad@$$ G.I. Joe character.
Glad your child was ok. While it may not have been a great moment for you, after reading what you've been going through it seems like if you ever had a reason to be easily distracted, that would be it.
actually that is NOT me....i was totally making fun of my "people"
and how they do everything in their power to completely cover themselves from the sun!! ha! i think they're hilarious!!! i'm glad he was okay too! i was laughing hysterically while almost crying.... it was horrible. i know, i know. what kind of parent am i for not only failing to strap my son in to his carseat but then laughing/crying at the sight and thought of him tipped over in the backseat. the ONLY reason i was even ABLE to crack half of a laugh was because he wasn't crying. it totally distracted me.... =)
If that was the worst damage I ever did to my kids... boy would they be lucky! Heck, they are lucky... they survived. Didn't even have car seats for the first two, unless you count those things that hooked over the back of the seat. I drove and nursed mine.
That headgear is to die for! (or die from, I'm not sure) You could probably pull it off. Doubt I could. Talk about accentuate my ugly!
I remember locking my keys in the car one hot summer day...Also in the car was a 6 month old baby...
I think sometimes we just lose track of what's going on, I know I've done some pretty ridiculous thing's. As I was reading I assumed you wouldn't be blogging if he was seriously hurt.
So I admit I let out a pretty good chuckle as I was reading, thankfully he was ok. I wish I could tell you something like that wont happen again. But I'm afraid being a mother myself those thing's are bound to happen.
That was hilarious, picturing his face up against the door, his stomach facing the back of the seat, and his feet still up on his seat!! What a visual, glad he wasn't hurt!!!
Just read this post and the one before it! Yikes! I am beginning to think that last little picture of the headgear may be in order. Listen, we all have our "I'm a bad parent" stories. Everything turned out OK in the end!
Poor thing! You must have been freaking out! I sure would have been!
I wouldn't feel bad about the laughing... I always laugh when I'm nervous (and sometimes when I'm afraid). My brother fell down the stairs when we were younger, and I just stood there laughing, even though I was really worried about him. I'm a rotten sister!
Oh my goodness.... My wife is a car seat fanatic, and she's made my son into a fanatic too. He yells at me if I even try to put the car into drive before everybody is buckled....
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