Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I've got nothin' but time....

21 weeks and 6 days today....
120 some odd days left.... 
the time seems to go by so much faster when you're busy and working, and not counting a day at a time, but right at this moment, that's all you can do.....
take it a day at a time....
getting in bed at night, trying to sleep, turning over in bed, trying to get up out of bed, every single step I take.... IT HURTS!!!!  I keep trying to tell myself... 4 more months, and I'll have our little man in my arms.... and it will ALL be worth it. It's so hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you can barely walk. sometimes i just break down and cry like a little baby because it's so frustrating.
this morning was a rough morning, and i stayed up talking to Jason his whole way to work.... I am SO incredibly lucky to have such an amazing husband! he's such an intelligent man. not arrogant in the slightest bit, just so smart. gives such great advice. he's the common sense that i don't have sometimes.  =)

anyhow.... this was more of a venting session than anything else....  
back to sitting here and doing a whole lot of .... well, resting!!!!

i'm sure i'll be back soon!

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