Friday, April 10, 2009

22 weeks and 1 day.

22 weeks and 1 day.... 
Home alone again. 

doing absolutely nothing. all day. so far.
MAJOR sushi craving....
it's off to Yen i go, alone.
or maybe i'll wait 30 more minutes for T to come with me....
but i'm soooo hungry....

Little man's been kicking like crazy today.
cannot wait to hold him!

talked with Jason last night about the names.
haven't been able to get him to talk much about them last night.
the only one he likes thus far?
*drum roll please*
Lewis Raymond....
looks like everyone else is going to have to adapt to our little King Lewie's name....
i'm certain SOMEONE can appreciate the meaning it has behind it....
Lewis (after my dad) 
Raymond (that's all the first born King son's middle names).
we'll see.... 
off to finish flat ironing my hair....

....and eat sushi.

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