Monday, January 18, 2010

night #1...

It's raining. No, in fact it began pouring down last night.... 
We still had to move a few boxes from my truck into the house.  So Jason's standing in the garage as I ran out to get this big blanket that I used to drape over me (and whatever I was bringing into the house). As i'm standing in between our trucks, he asks, "what's that on my tire?"  I looked at him pointing to the tire, and bent over to take a closer look. It looked like a leaf, so as i reached down and almost grabbed this "leaf" i realized it had 4 legs.... it was a FROG on his tire!!!! I squealed (yes, like a pig) and jumped back. he was laughing hysterically!!! he said, "now why would you go and touch it? all i asked was what it was...." and he was just laaaaaaughing so hard at me.  i imagined my dad telling me to do that.... because that's something he would have done. i said to jason, "you did that on purpose, didn't you? you knew it was a frog, and you wanted me to touch it." he said he didn't, so i believed him.... sort of.....

Inside the house, our ceilings aren't as tall in this house as they were in our condo, so maybe that's why the rain sounds so much louder. Because it's closer. I'm not yet familiar with everyone's noises yet and where they're coming from, or even what they are, but I talk minimally so that I can hear every.... Single.... Sound.... The house is all laminate flooring except for the tiles in the kitchen and the brand new carpet in the bedrooms. (Well 2 of the 3 bedrooms, that is).... It's cold. And I don't dare want to turn the heater on, for fear of what our first gas bill will be.... Jason put together our bed with just a tabletop lamp, minus the lampshade, last night. The bed is too far from the wall, so we'll need to push the headboard closer, but we were far too tired last night to even move an inch. The dressers (minus the drawers), are sitting in temporary spots nor are they against the wall. They're diagonal and blocking the slider. boxes of "necessities" (such as jason's work clothes, diapers, etc) are all opened and lying around.  The house is bare, for the most part, and the noises haven't quite settled with me yet.  Am I the only freak who gets into a pretty decent size house, coming from a condo, and freaks out wondering if we've made the right decision?

Not gonna lie, last night when Lewie and I came over here while Jason loaded up his truck, I messed with the key to unlock the front door for a bit, before it finally opened. I was being rained on, and the house was PITCH black. Apparently, I had too much water right before coming over and had to go to the bathroom, but kneeled down next to Lewie and looked around for a bit first. My automatic first response to the house was "it's so big, there are so many places a person can hide," which freaks me out. I think that's why i've always liked smaller places, because everything is there, out in the open. the kitchen, dining room, living room. there aren't all these different rooms and closets.... and if you put dressers and boxes in the closets, then no one can hide in them, right?  yeah, you guys are probably thinking i'm completely insane. well after last night, Jason probably thought I was insane too, if he hadn't already thought that.

Our big windows/sliders don't have any blinds, but they have curtains..... buuuut they don't have blinds.... so i can pull the curtains as closed as i want to, but people could still see in if they wanted to. At night, when the lights are on in the house, I can't see if someone is standing outside my window staring at me, because all i can see is the reflection of myself (which sometimes makes me think that someone is standing directly in front of me).  I especially don't like the thought of SLEEPING, while someone is peeking through a window at us.... ugh!!!! that freaks me out!!! so here i am in the master bedroom, with the 3 piece curtains trying to make all 3 pieces overlap perfectly so that no one would be able to see in if they were standing in our backyard.  of course, Jason must think im completely insane by now, because i'm usually not so weird. (so what if i am, that has NOTHING in the world to do with you!) ha!  so maybe sometimes i am a bit overly obsessed with the thought of someone breaking in.  and i have no idea where that has ever come from, because no one, not to my knowledge, has ever broken in to our home before.... and we are living in SUUUUCH a great and safe area.... it's ridiculous!!!

oh well.... so i'm a little paranoid. whatever.

it took me FOREVER to fall asleep. I was wide awake, and he was snooooozing away.... 

i was lying on my right side (well so my legs were bent at the knees and facing my right side in bed).... but my upper body was twisted, and i was lying on my back. lewie's bum rested on my bicep and my right hand was up by his face. (this is all lying down of course, i wasn't holding him up or anything).  my left arm was hanging off of the bed and patting Asia's side so that she would stop growling at the noises that we both heard) .... shortly after the patting began, she was snoring too.... i didn't stop patting her.... i didn't want her to bark. i wanted her to feel safe and rest too....  at the foot of the bed (blocking our 2 closets) was our big dresser (without the drawers too). there was a laundry basket on top of it with plastic bags full of our shampoo, loofas, bodywash, and all that stuff.  juuuust as i'd started to doze off, something tipped over in the bag. mind you, this is at LEAST an hour after i'd touched it last. the heater wasn't on. asia didn't knock it over. what the heck just happened? Asia JUMPED up and so did i. which then caused a chain reaction. Lewie jumped and thought he was falling, but quickly went back to sleep. Jason sat up and yelled in his whisper voice, "what?!"  I asked, "did you hear that?"  he said, "hear what? you're just imagining stuff."  i said, "ummm no i'm not, asia jumped up too."  then i started getting these nasty images of a mouse crawling through our stuff. i asked, "what if there's a mouse in there?"  He said, "Asia will eat the mouse if there's a mouse in here. now go to sleep."  he was already lying back down, and i was still sitting up. i wanted to get up but i didn't want to wake lewie.  at this point, knowing if there was a mouse in the laundry basket was far more important than waking Lewie, so I got up and turned the hallway light on.  i tiptoed over to the laundry basket, thinking "the mouse" wouldn't hear me.  i pushed the laundry basket just a little bit to see if "the mouse" would scurry around and move the plastic more.... nothing.... so i pulled the laundry basket towards me and off of the top of the dresser, holding the basket towards the bedroom door, so that I could use as much hallway light as possible to see "the mouse"   i, very carefully, moved things around in the bags, and began taking them out, when A JUMBO RAT JUMPED OUT AND BIT MY HAND!!!!! okay, so not really, but that's what i was anticipating.... turns out, there was nothing in there, except the original belongings I had put in there, and all was fine. (but i still put the laundry basket out in the living room for the rest of the night)

so a brief recap of the night:
-frog on the tire.
-people standing outside my window (just my imagination)
-big ol rat in the laundry basket (just my imagination again)
-house was too dark (sooo not my imagination)
-took me forever to fall asleep
-asia got to sleep in the house AND next to the bed!!! (yessssss!)
-got Lewies crib put together (even though he didn't sleep in it, he slept with us and woke up hungry at 254 am) ugh.

i'd say all in all, it wasn't a horrible night.... i freaked myself out more than anything.... hopefully tonight things will be more in their place, and i don't have to see shadows and think there's someone standing in my room....

cable guy is coming today, but i totally don't know what time i scheduled him for. afternoon sometime. i have to go home (to the old place) and get the tv and tv stand and cable box and phone and get it over here before then.  how? i have no idea, because it's POURING down rain.... 

oh yeah, and note to self, mondays are trashdays here.... not thursdays anymore.... 

here's to hoping night #2 goes a lot nicer than night #1, even if it was mostly mental.... and i bet it will, because Jason will likely take tomorrow off and stay home with us which would just be wonderful and VERY much needed. i miss my husband. 


Pat Tillett said...

The pharmaceutical industry develops, produces, and markets drugs licensed for use as medications.

Don't walk, but RUN to your nearest medical care establishment. There will be a very nice lady or man there waiting to talk to you. They will give you a passport to a good nights sleep and help you shut off your internal dialogue. They will help you silence the voice that told you it was a mouse in the bag...

Ashley King said...

shut up poppa.