Wednesday, May 20, 2009

27 wks 6 days.

today is 27 weeks and 6 days.... 
i'm at a point of misery....
and yet somehow still excited.
we picked up my wheelchair yesterday.
so now i have one until the end of my pregnancy!
i can actually get around now.
i've been using my cane.... and pretty much doing not a whole lot.
mentally, i've felt okay....
just frustrated.
i wish i was able to do more....
i sit and evaluate a lot.... 
planning the baby shower for the 14th of june, but who knows....
nothing's set yet....
because we don't know where i'm going to be at that point.
that will be around 32 weeks.... or so....
definitely in a wheelchair....

today was a crappy day....
just started out rough.
i was dizzy first thing in the morning when jason left for work.
went back to sleep and was still dizzy when i woke up an hour or so later....
took taylor to school.
came home showered and got ready to go to my glucose tolerance test.
i left with PLENTY of time to get there and park.... not really knowing where this place was, except that it was only 1.35 miles away.
i figured it would all be okay.
until i drove there.
had to get a parking ticket... and there was NO parking....
the handicapped parking would have been what i needed, but of course there were NO spots!
i drove into the parking structure and went up to the 3rd floor before i started getting all watery eyed....
i knew there was no good way i'd make it back down and to the medical building.
so i called mom to ask if i could go to her house and have her drive me there and drop me off at the entrance and pick me up an hour later.
i didn't have a phone number for the office, since it was all automated when i scheduled the appt.
i was so frustrated, now late to the appt and couldn't do it myself!
i came to mom's and she drove me there with the wheelchair and took me up in my wheelchair.
i had to drink a big ol fuzzy lemon lime drink (which surprisingly didn't taste like it did when i had my glucose test with taylor).... i held my breath and guzzled it in about a minute or 2. 
then we had to sit for an hour and have it drawn on the minute, exactly 1 hr later.
so we went downstairs....
mom got its a grind.
yes ITS A GRIND inside the medical center building! PRETTY COOL!
we sat downstairs for awhile, and then went back up right before it was time to have my blood drawn.
it all worked out.
had it drawn and headed home.... 

sat at mom's working on the invitations....
pretty much done with those.... (except the date) we are just debating about that....

we'll probably end up moving again very soon....
it's just very difficult with the stairs and all, and then i worry a lot about having to move right after the baby's born... *sigh*
too much going on.
too much to think about....
i hate it.

but wouldn't have it any other way....
except having bought the condo right around the corner that i wanted....
now they're only accepting backup offers.... and it's a short sale....

whatever it is, i have so much faith that Jason and i will get through it.
we always do....
and that thought alone is what keeps me going,

i love that man!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Maternity photo shoot. =)

what a wonderful day!  so happy with the turnout!  BIG THANKS TO TUETY!!!!!  you are the best!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

27 weeks.....

so same thing since our last entry....
terrible internet connection here.
just enough to get on here and type, but much more than that, and it's a piece of crap.
sucks, but hey, what are you gonna do? right?
i am thankful i am able to get on here and ramble my brains out until my lover comes home safely!
today we are 27 full weeks.... 
big progress today....
cervix is shortening to just a TINY bit over 3 cm.
dr chu said she wanted it over 3 cm.
it's gone down from 3.9 to 3.1 ish....
but we are still good.
have been having LOTS of pain....
the pain level is definitely increasing as the time goes on, but the clock is downhill to baby now, so i can't REALLY complain i suppose.
i have an absolutely amazing husband, that i just can't live without (or get through this pregnancy without)....
baby was soooo mellow today in the ultrasound.... gave really great images for the tech....
we got a GREAT picture of his mouth WIDE open!!!!
and a few seconds after we snapped that image, he tried shoving his foot in his mouth (knowing how much daddy loves feet and all)   ;)  
it was adorable!!!! 
i finally did it.
i called to switch OB's today.
at 27 weeks pregnant, i can't believe i did it, but it needed to be done.
i will meet the new dr next thursday, the 22nd. 
i am excited!
i spoke to dr. asrat. (my specialist, and my favorite, by far) and he is behind me and everything about this pregnancy 100%....
he's really on top of things!!!!
makes me feel a lot better.

on another note, today, 27 full weeks, our little man had the hiccups....
and for the first time, i could actually feel them.
he may have had them before, but i just didn't know it....
i DEFINITELY knew it today....
been having little mild, inconsistent contractions....
nothing i am too alarmed about....
baby's good and active....

just really counting down the time until he's here....

can't wait!
gonna get off here now....
can't wait for daddy to be home either!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

photo shoot....

something i've been wanting to do for awhile was to take maternity pictures with the family.... 
being so limited with my walking, we needed to find a beach where the sand was right up against the parking.... 
we got the wonderful idea from summer and nathan who had amazing pictures taken!!!
i was running behind (big surprise).... 
our original plan was to go to newport (where jason likes to surf) and take our pictures there....
however, leaving at nearly 6 pm on a friday was not the most brilliant idea....
so we headed south.... (honey's idea)....
which was brilliant (as are most of his ideas.... except his idea right now which is to go to sleep and put the computer away)
so anyway, we ended up in Dana Point....
parked right by the sand, and even though the sun was completely out of sight and hidden behind the clouds, we still managed to get some good pictures out of our session with lovely Tuety as our photog. =)
a million thanks to Tuety, who put so much time into making this happen....

since our internet connection is absolutely terrible here, i am unable to post even one of our awesome pictures from last weekend.... 

anyway.... i will definitely get them up here as soon as i go to nana's and get that good connection! =)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

ultrasound pics from 22 weeks and 6 days.... april 15th.

boy parts..... on April 15th. 22 weeks and 6 days.
more boy parts.... geeeeez! NOT CAMERA SHY! 

hands at his face.... awwww pumpkinhead!!!!
our little man's profile.... he's gonna look like daddy! watch!!!!
look at those long legs all stretched out! that's his favorite position!!!

there are so many more!  i'll just post a few at a time....

it's like.... your tongue pressed against your cheek.....

that's what it feels like.... 
put your tongue to your cheek and move it around.....
that's what he feels like inside my stomach today....
he is SO freakin active!!!!
i just picture this bigheaded, husky, wild monster man, ramming toy dump trucks into my ankles as i'm trying to walk through the house....
he's so anxious to come out, (i think), but jason swears he's going past 40 weeks....
he said the king boys stay late.... 
they're cozy....
i said, "yeah but it's MY body that will probably kick him out before then!"

we'll see who wins this one....

got the bangs trimmed today.
got the ring cleaned.
got the mother's day cards.
paid some bills.
WE.... ARE.... ROCKIN!!!!

feels good to check check check the things off the list....
going to head to momma's here shortly!

Heard American Idol's gonna be a good one tonight.... 
duets and all....
can't wait!
soooooooo sleepy right now.... 
miss Jason in mass amounts.... (so what's new).

Names so far....
Lewis Raymond King
Max Raymond King
Lucas or Luke Raymond King....
but not many people know about that yet.... so shhhhhh!!!!

Jason's pick is Lewis Raymond.... we'll see what name our little man ends up taking....
will he be named after his grandpa or not?
off to rest now....

thank heaven for leopard canes!!!!


woo hoo!
so i thought i'd give it a try to see if i could grab some internet access, and fortunately for me, today, i was able to!
I just needed to get a phone number off the internet, but thought i'd play a little catch up....
I hate not being able to get on here and ramble whenever i'd like....
so i'm still home.... resting.... i go crazy every now and again, but have been REALLY focusing and keeping my eye on the prize.... our little man.... just a few more months.... just a few more months.... 
i don't think anyone thinks i'm going to make it to 40 weeks....
i don't feeeeeeeel like my body can stretch anymore and make it any further!!!!
it's INSANE!!!!  but i'm SUPER excited and can hardly wait.
i made a big ol To-Do list today, and am already slowly checking things off of it.
feels good!
little man's about 2 and a half pounds already.... SUPER active today.....
haven't had any OUCH contractions like i had a couple weeks ago.... so that's good!
slowly getting things in order.

trying to decide my next direction....
definitely plan on going back to work asap, but would like to take some classes too....
i'll keep you posted as my plan comes along a little more detailed.

today is supposed to be beautiful weather.... it's cinco de mayo! 
i almost keep forgetting.
that doesn't really change anything for me; i never go out anyway....

jason won't be home until late tonight. =(  makes me sad.... i miss him not being home much.... he works so much, but i bet that's quite possibly why we get along so freakin well.... anyway, i love being with him as much as i can, nonetheless.... 

speaking of which.... his 5 day vacation starts on thursday, and i absolutely canNOT wait!!!! even though i'm not able to go anywhere, just lying in bed with him past 4 am will be magnificent!!!! =)  we'll see... hopefully he'll be able to get out and surf at least one or 2 of those days! i'd love for him to do the things he loves to do.... i feel like life has been so chaotic and so much focus around me.... it's kinda driving me nuts!

summer and nathan had some AMAZING maternity pictures done a few months back (which I may have already made mention about), but I'd really like to do some as well.... i don't know that i could have a photographer, other than Tuety take them, because i get so freakin stinkin camera shy.... 

speaking of maternity, my stomach is HUGE!  i kid you not, EVERY SINGLE person STILL ASKS if i'm due ANYDAY!!!! i know i probably already said that too, but pardon me, i have maternity mind.... i'm a bit forgetful!  =)  

yeah, i know; a little gay that i took pictures of myself, but no one else was home and i really wanted to capture that size.... which was on april 22.... which would have made me.... 23 weeks and 6 days.... the pictures don't even look as big as i do in real life! holy smokes!!!!

anyway.... i really need to trim my bangs! my hair grows super fast and the bangs are quite annoying at this point....
going to get a few other little tasks completed here at home before i have to pick up T a bit later this afternoon (which I LOVE by the way).... i love being able to spend time with her in the morning, and picking her up right when she gets out of school.... she loves it too, and although our drive is a long one, it's a nice one.....

yay for american idol tonight!  hopefully i'll be awake to watch it....

off to start the tasks....
off to be connnnnnected!!!! =)

Saturday, May 2, 2009

oh yeah....

i almost forgot to update everyone else!

Melissa and Dustin are due right around our 1 yr anniversary.... december 5th through the 7th-ish....
she has been having SUCH a rough time, throwing up lots and having a really hard time keeping anything down.... i feel really bad for her, because i remember how that feels (when i was pregnant with Taylor.....) fortunately, this time it was NEVER that bad for me as far as throwing up goes.... Here's to keeping your food down, Meliss!

As for Poppa, he had both sides of the thyroid removed, was a little out of sorts for a while, but seems to be coming around.... still a little touchy, but the swollen neck is DEFINITELY going down!!!
He goes for his nuclear endocrinologist dr's appointment next week to start his new iodine free diet for a few weeks.....
after that, (in a few weeks) he'll have his iodine test done to see if it has spread anywhere else.... we are hoping and PRAYING that all is okay there.... Please keep Poppa in your prayers!!!!

If you know anyone in the market for a new car, let them know we have the perfect one for them!!!! We will be selling my 2003 gray jetta here shortly.... it's got about 75000 miles on it and we'll be putting it into the shop for major tune up before we sell it. we'll get it in great shape for it's new owner! I have pictures available for THAT too....

I got to visit with Summer and baby Kai earlier this week (thursday) for a little while.... Kai's getting so big already!!!! Summer looks great (as always)..... always a good time seeing them.... they are just the greatest, loving, happiest little family ever! she always has really great ideas as well.... loved, loved LOVED their maternity pictures on the beach.... Many great wishes and prayers for their loving little family!!!!

As for now, i think i've worked my brain to its max at 813 am....
i'm going to rest now....
for real....

p.s. pancakes sound sooooooo good right now.

Ketchup time!

SO much to catch up on!!!!
It's been a while....
We are all moved in to the new place. (can't say I was very much help moving, but it's done, FINALLY)
we still have to get rid of LOTS of stuff, especially preparing for our little man to arrive!
out with the old, in with the NEW!

so now we are just into week 26....
i'm freakin HUGE and EVERY, SINGLE person I encounter asks if I'm ready to pop anyday....
NOT YET!!!!!!
i'm not offended!
i KNOW i'm huge!

I'll have to post pictures, but as for now, just take my word for it! =)

I got to see Dr. Asrat (AMAZING perinatologist, aka pregnancy problem specialist), and he was just fantastic!
Without doing any x-rays, he just felt my pelvic bone (and the almost 2 inch separation)....
No freakin wonder I can't walk, (or turn, or climb stairs or anything else for that matter)!
But on a much brighter note, he said he is VERY aware of this condition as his wife had it with their 2nd and 3rd child. That was comforting to know that he wasn't like everyone else i've seen, who knows pretty much NOTHING about this pelvic separation!
soooooooooo, looks like i'm out of work until baby is born.... i'm pretty sure i'll be bedridden before then.... walking is getting harder.... definitely need support or help walking.... legs are much weaker, BUT JUST A FEW MORE MONTHS!
I can't wait!
Little man is almost here!!!!!!!

Speaking of little man, i've GOT to find a way to get these ultrasound pictures posted!
they are HILARIOUS!
he is SUCH a ham!
we got a picture of our big 2 pounder, sticking out his tongue the other day with his mouth WIDE OPEN!
he looked like a little dog!
SO stinkin cute!
yes, he is about 2 pounds already, and gaining weight steadily (and quickly!!!!)

i'm quite confident this pregnancy will not last its entire 40 weeks, and feel even more confident that he'll arrive sometime in july, probably towards the end.... we'll see!!!!

jason's still been working like a mad man! (so what's new).
he puts in more hours at work than anyone i've ever known!!!!
seriously, probably more hours a week, than 2 people, both with fulltime jobs.....
i HATE not having him home, and often think about what it's going to be like once the baby's here.....
it's scary.....
he works so far away, he wouldn't be able to drop everything and just be there if anything were to ever happen.
i am very thankful and lucky that i am SO incredibly close to all of our family now!!!!
don't know what i'd do without them.

Still driving Taylor to Irvine to finish off this school year there....
we have a wonderful 3o minute drive together every morning....
it's a beautiful drive, because we take side streets and pass lots of greenery....
she enjoys telling me all about spongebob, iCarly, and the suite life on deck episodes.....

April 28th was a BIG day for the Tikster!!!!
She took off on her bike withOUT training wheels!!!!
i've been telling her that her baby brother is going to learn to swim and ride bikes before she does (which didn't make her too happy), so on the bike she went and off she rode!!!!
it was fantastic!!!!!!
and Jason, poor honey, was chasing her up and down the street, running at her side, with his work clothes and boots still on!!!!
GOODNESS i love that man!!!!
i honestly don't know how he continues to run on little to no sleep....
i need to find a plan....
i need to start a business.....
a successful one, that i can run from home, to still take care of the kids, but have enough income so that he doesn't have to work the way he does.....
that's what i've gotta do....

as for now, i'm sitting with jason, while he works....
i'm probably more of a hassle than anything, but i love just sitting at his side....
just being in his company makes my day.... =) i can spin the chair around and steal a kiss whenever i want!!!!

well, i might be back later today....
hopefully i'll be able to get on here soon and post a bunch of pictures.... so much has been happening sooo fast.....

before you know it, our little King's going to be here.....
speaking of our little King, the squirmy worm's awake....
off to rest i go....