Monday, April 5, 2010

The Notebook Journey....

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to not have to worry about working, but have all the money you'd ever need to survive? or maybe even some extra so you could travel anywhere in the world without a care (or children) to worry about? I have often dreamt of SO many different places I'd visit.... what I'd see.... how the weather would be.... I wondered how I would capture the memory of that place, and what I could bring back with me.... I wondered if I could take a picture of myself there and write a super great story and have some museum post my picture and my story in it (okay, so we all know that would never happen).... but wouldn't it be cool if....? Have you ever wondered what it would be like to meet people from all over the world, but more than just meeting them, get a snippet of their life? I love a story, or a photo, or a memory that brings the feelings to life for me.... and is why I've chosen to join.....
It's a brilliant idea that I'm jealous I didn't think of myself, or more so than not "thinking of myself," I didn't have the confidence to start something like this. An idea like this is a wonderful one.... but making it happen and come to life is just.... I don't even know the word for it. So there are about 35 spots left in the notebook. You can have it for up to 10 days and put anything your heart desires in there.... check out the page, and the directions.... you'll pass it along as it makes it way across many different lands.... How cool would it to be a part of that? Since I have 2 children, and studly husband that i would never leave behind, the notebook entry will take my place of venturing into the world and all the travel's I've yet to see....
Check it out. Let me know if you've join too!!!!


Ms. A said...

What a wonderful idea for someone like you!

Anonymous said...

I joined the journey a few months ago and can't wait to have my turn! :)

I'm glad you are too! YAY!

Sweet Craftikins said...

Very cool, it seems like a virtual 20th century message in a bottle.

The Drunk Mommy Diary said...

helphelphelp drunk mommy island is sending you an s.o.s.

sarahjayne smythe said...

Waht a way cool idea for a virtual fieldtrip on a grand scale. I can't wait for you to tell us about your journey. :)

Bossy Betty said...

This sounds so cool! I will check it out!

Ashley King said...

@Ms. Anthropy, i know. someone like me, with nothing better to do right? hahaha! i'm totally kidding.

@Mainland. i know you did! that's where i got the idea!!! =)

@Jenni, yes, it kinda does, huh. =)

@DrunkMommy. AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! *pulling hair, jumps in helicopter, looking for the signals*

@sarahjayne, i can't wait to get the notebook!!! and i'll be sure to tell everyone about it!!!! i think it's a long while before i get it!

@Bossy Betty, oooooooo! come along with me!!!! it will be fun!!!! you will be very close to my entry!!! i think there are about 30 something spots left! =)

Andrea said...

I thought this was so cool too!! I went there and signed up - looks like Pat's not the only one up for inspiration - thanks Ashley! I think the kids would love it - now to just think of what to add to the notebook! Ahhhggg! Pressure's on!