Monday, September 14, 2009

tattoo me!

 LOVE this tattoo!!!! this is very similar to what i've wanted on my arm.... 
love the hair and the make up on this one.... 
i'll have to keep you posted as we plan for the tattooing to come!!!! =)


Pat Tillett said...

that's very nice. How about a portrait instead? Maybe a portrait of...well, er Me!

krzykyle13 said...

my roommate is an amazing tattoo artist. check him out:

he'll hook you up with a good price too, if you mention me! lol

Anonymous said...

ummm wow! quite a piece of work! I must say, I regret getting my tattoo! I didn't think about what it would look like 50 years down the left side of my rib cage/hip! haha

Ashley King said...

really? i have a huge one down my left side/rib cage!!!! it's taylor's name in japanese and a huge red and orange koi around it. i actually really like it! every now and again, you'll see the tail of the fish sticking out by my arm pit in pictures. haha. so funny we both have them there. what is your tattoo?