Thursday, September 2, 2010

President's Cancer Panel.

I never knew that this existed.
Maybe i am severely sheltered, or just plain stupid, however, whichever it is, I still didn't know this existed....

It is a 3 person panel that reports to the President of the United States on the development and execution of the National Cancer Program. Members serve 3 year terms and at least 2 of the 3 panel members must be distinguished scientists or physicians. The President appoints one of the members to a one year Chair position. The Panel meets at least 4 times a year and these meetings are open to the public. (info. obtained from wikipedia, but only after reading an article on

Since learning about this group, I've learned that in May of this year, they issued a report saying that "the true burden of environmentally induced cancers has been grossly underestimated." ( I have to agree.... and if just by reading and THINKING about this statement doesn't have you agreeing with it, look into it further.... They also criticized federal regulators for being "reactionary rather than precautionary." ( I HAVE to agree.... and only because I looked up the 1976 federal Toxin Substances Control Act which states that industrial chemicals are presumed SAFE unless proven otherwise. REALLY?! Chemicals aren't human beings people! they aren't "innocent until proven guilty." do you know how many awful things are happening to HUMAN BEINGS (including fetuses, infants, and young children??) and not only Humans, but to our ENVIRONMENT?! Since 1976 (so, um 34+ years), only FIVE chemicals have been banned.... so in order for a chemical to be banned, think of how HORRIBLE it must be.... think of all the chemicals that have NOT yet been banned?! man oh man! this is awful!!!!

Of all the 82,000+ industrial chemicals that are registered for use in the U.S, less than 500 of them have been tested for human safety by the EPA (

How incredibly different the entire world would be if the regulations proposed (to prove a chemical SAFE b.e.f.o.r.e being able to use it in their products and/or release it) were passed....

although, i'm rather certain, we, as the consumers, would have absolutely NOTHING new to buy....


Marlene said...

I don't even want to think about the chemicals we ingest on a daily basis.....

One thing I'm big on - I HATE pesticides.

Bossy Betty said...

I pass by the strawberry fields around here and see the stuff they are putting under that plastic and it makes me shiver! said...

Greed and cancer are two of the world's greatest evils.

Anonymous said...

I've often wondered how many environmental chemicals could be eliminated by simply removing dye and fragrances from certain products and packages. Do we need a custom coloured pink plastic shampoo bottle? How much Red Dye #5 could we eliminate if we had colourless lotions and synthetic fragrances. Someone is getting very rich selling dyes and scents to manufacturers. Thanks for bringing attention to this issue. - G

Pat Tillett said...

Great post Ashley.
One of the major contributing factors is that the only way to ASSURE that a new product is not toxic is to test it on something that is living...
thats a whole different debate!