Monday, December 28, 2009
maybe next time he'll think before he cheats.
Friday, December 25, 2009
Your Signature and Life Story please....
You have been such a good girl all year. I have watched you move to a new school and treat your new classmates with such care. I have watched you do so well in school and work so hard. I have watched you welcome a new baby brother into this world with such patience, and such a loving heart. I have watched you help your daddy and mommy, and I've watched you treat your family so kind. You are a very good girl, with a very gentle heart. I am sorry your friends at school do not believe in me. You don't have to try to convince them that I am real. As long as you believe, I will visit you. As long as you believe, your heart stays young. Never stop dreaming, Taylor. You are a very bright girl. I hope you enjoy your toys this year. Something tells me, you will have many presents from many people. Let's work on keeping your room cleaner this year, so that next year there will be room for more presents!
My life is a very busy life. It is a very cold one too! Christmas Eve is my busiest night of all, when I must visit all of the good children's homes! When I come home, Mrs. Claus is waiting with a hot cup of cocoa with marshmallows and the fire is burning in the fireplace. Forgive me for moving your couch a bit. It was a bit difficult to get in through there. I think your Dad and Mom will understand why it's a bit out of place.
Keep up all your hard work (and tell your Dad and Mom to give you a better pen to write with next time. That pen didn't work.) I took your note with me so that I could show Mrs. Claus.
I hope your Dad and Mom aren't too upset that I used their computer. Please tell them to save this letter for you somehow.
I enjoyed your cookies very much, and was very thankful you left milk. Some kids don't leave milk, and it makes it very difficult to wash the cookies down. I ate one and will share the other with the reindeer. I hope I didn't wake you tonight.
Never forget the reason for today's celebration.
Dream Big, Sweet Taylor.
Until next year,
Saint Nicholas
P.S. Your dog is very kind too. Good thing she didn't bark and wake you.
So Taylor, was SO excited! She beamed and exclaimed, "i KNEW there was a Santa, Mom! you need to save this letter or print it, and i can show my friends that there really is a santa!"
Oh, Sweet Taylor.... my life will never get old with you in it.... =)
Thursday, December 24, 2009
compromised corneas....
Friday, December 18, 2009
Taylor's Winter Celebration Party....
superwoman: cheap imitation.
okay. i have about 12 minutes until the timer goes off. and then about 30 minutes after that, i've got to go drop the cupcakes off at T's school, which is thankfully right across the street..... i volunteered to make the 40 that they needed, but somehow 40 suddenly turned into 96.... 48 of which i wouldn't have eaten myself.... so i tossed all but 14 of those....
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
she's crazy.
Monday, December 14, 2009

Sunday, December 13, 2009
Santa Pawpa....

Monday, December 7, 2009
9 months to the day.... (originally written on August 24, 2008)
it's been nine months to the day,
since he took your soul away,
from us here
in this place.
how i'd give anything
to see your face.
just yesterday i reached
to call you....
so often i think
thoughts about you.
things i think would make you smile,
i haven't heard you in awhile....
but i feel your love come to me,
just like the wind
at the sea.
how i wish you were here
with me....
how i miss your kisses good night....
and your tight hugs in the morning....
and you telling me your stories....
of all your times before me....
there's still so much
i have to say....
today is 9 months since that day...
and i still miss you (Dad)....
the anniversary- #1
Friday, December 4, 2009
flight line and teardrops. (originally written on august 14th, 2008)

flight line and teardrops....
rain in the summer.
cars, like ants, we drove on base.
seemingly knew to flock to the same area....
"the food" (for ants), i suppose....
is where we all parked....
herds of families walked in together....
children, children.
so many children.
so many wives.
and hearts.
and welcome home signs....
the ushers at the entrance passing out tiny american flags.
and red, white and blue pom poms....
all for us to cheer our marines in....
to welcome them home....
i kept my shades over my eyes....
we shuffled in and sat in the large room....
a large television overhead and seats everywhere....
vending machines.
tables covered in playdoh for the kids....
and a snack room....
with snacks and drinks covering the tables for anyone who cared to munch.
not i.
i sat uneasy.
i looked around this large room....
everyone here for the same reason as i.
to welcome someone home.
what about the ones who weren't here today?
what about the ones who SHOULD have been here today,
but weren't.....
what about them?
where were they?
what were THEY doing?
it hurt....
this is REALITY....
Man, this is our reality.
this is real life....
and just another normal day in the life of the military....
another group of our men and women coming home....
after being gone for MONTHS!!!!
this blonde woman in a knee length black dress talks over the speaker....
"your marines are about 30 minutes away. i will get on here and let you know when they are about 15 minutes away, and at that time, you will be allowed to head out to the flight line and wait for your marine."
.... no more than about 7 minutes passed, and she was back.
that blonde in the black dress....
"your marines are about 10 minutes away now. you may head outside to the flight line and wait for their arrival.... CON-GRAT-U-LA-TIONS!!!! You did it!!!!"
man oh man oh man oh man.....
we all walk out to the flight line.
there are red tents for those who would like to avoid the sun.
and there.
there was the marine corps band.
they are quite a musical group.
i mean, really.
all it took was one song.
no, wait.
just the beginning of one song, to bring tears to my eyes....
the played to the left,
as everyone gathered at the flight line....
what an INTENSE feeling....
on the ground....
a bunch of men and women walking around....
you felt like you were a part of top gun.
the rumbling of the ground....
the vibrations in your chest,
as the planes and jets roared their engines and flew outta there....
what an AMAZING view....
a fantastic one....
but where was OUR jet....
the one that held OUR marines?
the crowd of people searched the skies....
and off to the left.
up in the clouds.
there was a tiny white light....
the front of their plane coming in....
and the light got bigger....
and closer....
and lower.....
and the sound of the jet got louder.
and louder.
and closer.
and this HUUUGE oversized jet
touched down....
speeding past us....
and off to the right....

and rests to the right....
the stairs are pushed against the plane....
and within a few moments,
the door slides up....
this jet is a BEAST!!!!

holy cow.
my right arm is shaking from holding her weight for so long.
I want to put her down, but she can't see if i do...
she's clenching me sooo tightly....
her nerves, probably so much greater than mine....
and mine were stomach turning on a 135 pounder.
i can only imagine what hers were like on a little 55 pounder....
but i tell you this....
when her tears fell....
so did mine....
and when her heart ached....
so did mine....
(it's amazing how that works when you become a parent.....
never before have i been so directly affected by someone else...
but HER.... HER heart is directly attached to mine, i tell you....)
minutes pass, and here they come....
piling off the plane!
i couldn't see Jason, but I knew he was there...
I saw marine after marine....
and so started the tears.....
those men and women,
touching U.S. ground again....
Welcome Home troops....
Welcome Home....
and they hand in their weapon....
and sign in for their rooms.
get their room key....
and wait for their bags.....
their bags that are brought in on this HUGE truck....
green bags just PILED on this truck.
to us.... that's what it looks like.... a bunch of green bags....
but to our troops, these bags are their lives for these past months....
their lives were stuffed into these "green bags."
and like clockwork, all these men, lined up....
shoulder to shoulder.... starting from the back of the truck.
and handed these bags down this file of strong men....
none of them seeming to become tired....
sweat dripping off of every single one of them,
but not one of them slowing down....
the bags made it down the file to the very last man, where he would drop the bag
in no particular order or sequence....
and finally about 15 minutes later all of these hundreds of bags
made up rows and rows of our soldiers lives....
i stood in the middle of all the passing marines,
looking down at their boots....
there was still sand in them....
there was still sand from iraq in their boots....
our troops are home,
but just hours before, stood on war grounds....
it made me overcome with such a wide range of emotions....
a part of me overjoyed they were home safely...
another part of me soooooo disturbed that they were even there to begin with....
one of the marines loud voice, yells over the crowds "LISTEN UP MARINES!!!! DOES ANYONE NEED TRANSPORTATION TO THE BARRACKS?"
I quickly looked up....
and around....
if someone needed transportation to the barracks,
that meant they probably didn't have anyone waiting for them when they arrived.
I looked around....
He paused.
No one seemed to need transportation at that time....
I exhaled....
to me that meant everyone had somebody....
He smiled....
as did i....
about 5 minutes later, I heard a young man say to another, "where can I get a ride to the barracks?"
I quickly turned around and there was a tall sandy blonde haired gentleman with round glasses on, standing alone holding his pack on his back, and that "green bag" over his shoulder and a black briefcase looking bag in his other hand....
I turned and said, "Thank you for what you've done. I am glad you're home safely.... Welcome Home!!!!"
I just wanted to hug him....
but you don't know what to do.....
you don't know how they are feeling emotionally.
you know?
i found this same exact feeling when I worked in the hospital....
when i'd meet a cancer patient for the very first time....
what do you say to them, you know?
how do you act towards them?
how are THEY feeling?
do you say you are sorry?
what if they aren't sorry?
what if you offend them by saying you're sorry?
i didn't want to make it any more awkward than it already was....
and so i just touched his arm and said, "welcome home," again.....
all the while,
my shades never left my nose...
because if they did....
these brave brave troops would see how incredibly weak i really was....
tears unable to stop pouring from my eyes as i walked this flight line....
To see Taylor in Jason's arms was incredible.
It really was.....

there were so many others as well....
so many reunions....
fellow troops.
it goes on.
and on.
and on.
and i was just here.....
just another ant....
on another normal day.
in the life of the military.....
wishing i could do more.
say more.
give more.
and yet, all i could do,
was walk this FLIGHT LINE....
with my American Flag.
Pom poms.
Welcoming Home our brave men and women....
maybe it's just pride.... (originally written on august 28th, 2008)
and the words you speak aloud
show the lack of your intention,
or maybe you're just proud.
but you disappoint the miniature,
who can't wait to wear your shirt,
or watch a movie with you.
or kiss away your hurt.....
her big brown eyes look up to you,
she watches when you go....
she's soaking up your actions,
so much more than you know.
she puckers her lips
and she closes her eyes....
if only you knew, like i do,
the way that she cries....
quit digging the holes,
that make the distance between....
the things that you say,
and the things that you mean....
the gaps between your actions.
and the words you keep inside,
show the lack of your intention,
or maybe it's your pride....
dysfunction: co-dependency.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
sleepless wonders
My mind won't shut off, though it hardly does. Tonight, for whatever reason, it's on.... And not only turned on, but turned up.... To like the Nth degree....
So as I'm lying here, everything seems so loud. I wonder SO many things, that I'm actually wondering why I'm even wondering about these lame things!
I wonder where the sound of someone else's running water is coming from.... I can't tell if it's the condo beneath us, behind us, next to us.... For all I know, it's someone showering in my room.... Because that's what it sounds like.... Which leads me to my next wonder. I wonder what it sounds like to my downstairs neighbor when we move, when we walk, we I flush the toilet, when (jason) farts in bed.... Because IIII would never do such a thing. (Tee hee hee)....
I wonder how the difference between night and day somehow seems to be like 40 degrees or more! where do those 40 degrees go at night? Like to another planet? Cuz it sure feels like it.....
I wonder why Lewie went to bed at 6 something tonight? Aren't we the old folks here? Not him? Which then leads me to wondering since he went to bed at 6 something tonight, what glorious hour of the night is he going to wake up and decide he's slept enough, and what "pre-dawn" hour will be the perfect one to party (party of 1, that is).... I have nooo idea, but I'm in nooo hurry to find out....
I wonder why the guy, Rick, from Living spaces was such an absolute jerk when I called earlier.... I wonder if he was having a bad day or if he's always that rude to customers.... I wonder if people have actually cancelled their orders because of Rick's bad attitude.... I actually re-named him to myself (in my head) when he put me on hold, but it wasn't a very nice name, so I won't share it on here....
I wonder how I ended up with such a great husband who loves me so much and takes suuuuch great care of me without ever complaining, except if he thinks I'm doing too much.... (Well while I'm not feeling well).... Cuz if I DO feel okay, he doesn't mind barking orders, which are usually shot down immediately, just because I don't like being told what to do.... Which probably stems from me having father issues.... Which leads me to wonder how I ended up with him, and how he ended up with me.... Because he really likes to try to tell me what to do, and I really don't like to be told what to do, and we butt heads and most of the time just laugh at how incredibly dysfunctional (but happy) we are.... So I guess I kind of answered my own question there.... For whatever reason God put us together, I'm grateful for it, none-the-less....
I wonder why chocolate chip cookies taste soooo good... And why sweets like this and brownies and chocolate milk taste sooo exceptionally great first thing in the morning....
I WAS going to say "I wonder why these last 20 lbs of weight I want to shed, aren't just running away or shedding," but I think my previous "wonder" answered that question.... Darn.
I wonder why things come in waves.... Why you can feel one way about some certain thing or situation, and in a matter of days, hours, heck, even after hearing a song, why your feelings can completely (and I mean COMPLETELY) change the way you feel ENTIRELY.... I wonder if I am the only one who feels that way....
I wonder why I can't sleep, and why I'm wondering so much.... I wonder why it comes in waves....